EX: Sandstorm - Preconstructed Theme Deck Display

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    Set: EX: Sandstorm Sealed
    Release Date: 2003-09-18
    Out of the Desert, into the Sandstorm!

    The EX Sandstorm expansion features dozens of new Pokémon, including exciting Pokémon-ex evolution cards like Raichu ex! Combine the power of two Pokémon with new link attacks! Harness the power of the Sandstorm and blow away the competition!

    Fire and Grass Pokémon in this Caravan theme deck unleash a wildfire on your rivals! With attacks like Burning Claw and Razor Leaf, join this Caravan and leave your opponents in the dust!

    Fighting and Water Pokémon in this Oasis Theme Deck will have your opponents begging for mercy. Rock 'em with powerful fighting attacks like Blade Arms, and then finish them off in a splash with Max Bubbles!

    EX Sandstorm Preconstructed Theme Deck Display of 8 sealed EX Sandstorm Theme Decks.

    This display contains:
    • EX Sandstorm Theme Deck - Caravan x4
    • EX Sandstorm Theme Deck - Oasis x4

    Each Theme Deck contains:
    • 60 Pokémon card deck (Including a specially selected holographic foil card)
    • 1 Pokémon Coin
    • 1 Rulerbook
    • 1 Card List
    • 1 Damage counters

    Deck List: Caravan

    • 2 Lileep
    • 1 Cradily
    • 4 Seedot
    • 2 Nuzleaf
    • 2 Ekans
    • 2 Cacnea
    • 4 Growlithe
    • 2 Arcanine
    • 3 Cyndaquil
    • 1 Quilava
    • 4 Root Fossil
    • 2 Lanette's Net Search
    • 2 Double Full Heal
    • 2 Energy Restore
    • 3 Potion
    • 13 Grass Energy
    • 11 Fire Energy

    Deck List: Oasis

    • 2 Anorith
    • 1 Armaldo
    • 4 Sandshrew
    • 1 Sandslash
    • 3 Azurill
    • 3 Marill
    • 1 Azumarill
    • 4 Lotad
    • 2 Lombre
    • 2 Zigzagoon
    • 4 Claw Fossil
    • 3 Energy Search
    • 2 Wally's Training
    • 2 Switch
    • 1 Double Full Heal
    • 1 Multi Energy
    • 12 Fighting Energy
    • 12 Water Energy

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